My name is Benjamin Wightman; you can call me Ben if you want, either way works. This is the main page of my personal website, which will house pages covering many topics. It's rather disorganized right now, but I hope to change that eventually.

I'm an aspiring programmer fresh out of college; a part of this site will serve to showcase programming projects. I've decided to roll my own PHP for this site, in my first real foray into web development. I could have just taken the easy route and installed Wordpress or MediaWiki or something, but no, I wanted to actually learn something. So yeah, what you're seeing here is very much a work in progress.

The site program is available for download. It's a tiny zip file under 10K. You can go ahead and do anything with it, use it on your own site, change it, improve it, as long as you don't lie about who made what.

This site will be structured sort of like a wiki, with many, narrowly-focused articles and text littered with hyperlinks. It is not a "typical" wiki in that it is not publicly editable, and I have no plans to make it so. In keeping with my devotion to the art of taking things seriously, but not too seriously, this site will contain both my opinion and a somewhat professional showcase of my productive output in various domains.
